Configure the SDK
Each SDK instance is configurable. If no options are provided, Openflow default options will be utilized.
All current SDK options are defined here. Let's review the options.
SDK Options
Driver is responsible for authenticating quote selection
If no driver is set anyone with the signature will be allowed to execute the signed payload.
Driver is user-configurable
The end user does not have to trust Openflow driver multisig
If the user desires, the user can run their own decentralized multisig driver
Oracle is responsible for determining minimum amount out for an order
If no oracle is provided the default Openflow oracle will be used
Users can use a custom oracle if desired
In some cases on-chain pricing is not available and a user would like to use the top quote regardless, or manually specify minimum amount to receive. In these cases requireOracle can be set to false and the user can still be certain that an auction has occurred and the best quote was selected
Acceptable slippage threshold denoted in BIPs
Maximum duration for auction. The order is invalid after the auction ends
Manager is responsible for managing SDK option
Last updated