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Meta dex aggregator
Solver support for any number of dex aggregator integrations
Solver support for any number of dex aggregator integrations
RFQ order system
RFQ is a native part of the protocol
RFQ is a native part of the protocol, however the number of people who can provide quotes is limited
Anyone can be a solver
Completely open
❌ Pay-to-play (limits competition)
Built to be massively-multichain from the start
❌ Supports only two chains
Trustless quote selection
Quotes selected by end-user or delegated to use-configurable multisig
❌ Quotes are selected by centralized server (driver)
Decentralized order book
❌ Order book database and messaging exists on a centralized server
Resilient architecture
Designed to be as resilient as possible
❌ Centralized order book, driver and API means downtime is a possibility
Decentralized messaging transport
Anyone can connect to the messaging bus and listen for orders. The bus cannot be shut down
❌ Centralized API for order submission. If the API goes down the system comes to a halt
Decentralized driver
User selects driver and driver itself is authenticated by multisig
❌ Centralized driver
User-defined hooks
Supports pre-swap and post-swap hooks
❌ No user-defined hooks
Highly customizable swap orders with Gnosis Safe
Safe users can submit smart orders (with customizable execution conditions and GAT orders) without modifying safe implementation
❌ Gnosis Safe can be used to submit simple swap orders using EIP-1271 or presign
Zap support
All order types support zaps
❌ No support for zaps. Technically solvers can implement zaps for tokenized assets but this drastically limits solver competition and is not customizable
Permissionless multichain deployment
Anyone can deploy on any chain using deterministic single use address
❌ Only protocol can deploy to new chains
Batch order invalidation
Users can invalidate all of their pending orders simultaneously on-chain in one transaction
❌ Users can only invalidate one order a time
Conditional orders
All orders types support conditional logic
❌ Only user deployed EIP-1271 smart contracts support conditional logic (no gnosis)
GAT orders
All order types support GAT orders
❌ Only user deployed EIP-1271 smart contracts support GAT orders
DCA orders
All order types support DCA orders
❌ Only user deployed EIP-1271 smart contracts support DCA orders
Smart orders
All order types support smart orders
❌ Only user deployed EIP-1271 smart contracts support smart orders
Incremental orders
All order types support incremental orders
❌ Only user deployed EIP-1271 smart contracts support incremental orders